Regulations for booking and payment
§ 1.
- Any concepts as a sign of their definition in this regulations written in capital letters should be interpreted only as defined in it.
- The following concepts should be understood as defined below:
- Address of the UAM Foundation -;
- Participant's address – User's e-mail address indicated in the Electronic Registration System during Registration;
- Personal data – personal data of the Participants collected by the UAM Foundation through the Electronic Registration System;
- Electronic Registration System– internet service available as a subpage of the Website, enabling participation of a given Participant in the Conference and selection of the payment method for Participant's participation in the Conference;
- UAM Foundation- foundation operating under the name Fundacja Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza in Poznań with it registered office in Poznań (postal code: 61-612), at ul. Rubież 46, entered under KRS number 0000052045 in the register of associations, other social and professional organizations, foundations and independent public healthcare institutions of the National Court Register and in the register of entrepreneurs of the National Court Register, identified by the Tax Identification Number 7810002075;
- Conference – conference under the title: ECOSERV2025, which will take place from 18 to 20 September 2025;
- PayU - company PayU S.A. with its registered office in Poznań, at ul. Grunwaldzka 182, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register maintained by the District Court for Poznań - Nowe Miasto and Wilda in Poznań under KRS number 0000274399, tax identification number 7792308495, REGON 300523444, share capital of PLN 4,000,000.00, fully paid up, being a provider of payment services within the meaning of the Act of 19 August 2011 on payment services;
- Payer– entity paying for the participation of the Participant in the Conference;
- Electronic Payment - payment for participation in the Conference made through the Electronic Registration System;
- Regulations – these regulations;
- Registration – registration of the Participant's participation in the Conference;
- Website– website dedicated to the Conference, available on the Internet at:;
- Participant– a person whose participation in the Conference has been properly reported and paid for.
- The titles of the individual editorial units of the Regulations are only for the convenience of using the copy of the Regulations.
§ 2.
- The Regulations define in detail the rules related to making the Registration and payment for participation in the Conference.
- Registration and payment for participation in the Conference is possible only after prior acceptance of the Regulations.
- The UAM Foundation is organizer of the Conference.
- The condition of participation in the Conference by a given Participant is correct Registration and effective payment of the fee for participation in the Conference in the correct amount by the date indicated by the UAM Foundation.
§ 3.
- Registration is tantamount to acceptance of the Regulations by the Participant and constitutes the Participant's obligation to comply with it.
- Registration of Participants is made only through the Electronic Registration System.
- Registration ends on the date indicated on the Website, which means that it is not possible at a later time.
- Registration will be confirmed by a message sent to the Participant's Address.
- The UAM Foundation may cancel the Registration for a given Participant when, within the time limit referred to in the provision of § 4 para. 1 of the Regulations, the fee for participation of the Participant in the Conference will not be paid in full.
- The UAM Foundation will notify the Participant about the cancellation of the Registration concerned by sending a relevant message by e-mail to the Participant's Address.
- Cancellation of the Registration by the UAM Foundation in accordance with para. 5 above, may not constitute grounds for any claims against the UAM Foundation.
§ 4.
[Fee for participation in the Conference]
- Information on the amount and date of payment of fees for participation in the Conference is published on the Website.
- The date of payment for participation in the Conference is the date the UAM Foundation receives the money on its account.
- Making payments for participation in the Conference is possible by:
- Electronic Payment,
- Traditional bank transfer.
- Payment for participation in the Conference may be made in:
- Polish zloty (PLN).
- Euro (EUR).
- The choice of the method and currency of payment for participation in the Conference should be made in the Electronic Registration System during the Registration of a given Participant.
- Electronic Payments are handled by PayU.
- Before making an Electronic Payment, you must ensure that PayU supports payments from the bank or from the card from which the payment transaction will be performed.
- Immediately after the Electronic Payment has been correctly made, the PayU system will send to th Participant's Address an e-mail with a confirmation of Electronic Payment.
- In the event of PayU system errors, after the expiry of the time for Electronic Payments, cancellation or rejection of Electronic Payments, please follow the messages appearing in the Electronic Registration System or PayU system or in automatically generated messages sent to the Participant's Address.
- If the payment for participation in the Conference is made by traditional bank transfer, the message referred to in the provision of § 3 para. 3 of the Regulations, will also contain information on the amount of the fee in the selected currency and the bank account number to which the payment for participation in the Conference should be made.
- All fees related to making payments for participation in the Conference by traditional bank transfer (commissions, port, etc.) shall be charged to the entity making the payment for the Participant's participation in the Conference, which means that if the amount that will affect the benefit of the UAM Foundation will be as a result of a decrease in the payment for costs related to making a payment lower than the fee for participation of a given Participant in the Conference, the payment should be completed within the deadline set by the UAM Foundation in the invitation sent to the Participant's Address in such a way that the amount of payment for participation of a given Participant in the Conference. Provision of § 2 para. 4 of the Regulations shall apply accordingly.
- If the payment for participation in the Conference is to be confirmed by a VAT invoice, please enter the appropriate field in the Electronic Registration System and provide the payer details, upon which the UAM Foundation will issue a VAT invoice after the payment of the fee for participation of the Participant in the Conference.
§ 5.
[Resignation from participation in the Conference]
- The participant may resign from participation in the Conference within 14 (say: fourteen) days from the date of payment for participation in the Conference, with the reservation that the payment must be made on the date specified by the UAM Foundation.
- The declaration of resignation from participation in the Conference should be submitted:
- in a written form - by sending it by registered mail to the address of the registered office of the UAM Foundation, or
- in an electronic firm - by sending it by e-mail to the UAM Foundation's Address.
- The observation of deadline to submit a statement on resignation from participation in the Conference in the case of the declarations referred to in
- in para. 2 point a) above – is determined based on the date of correct dispatch of the declaration,
- in para. 2 point b) above – based on the date of sending an e-mail to the UAM Foundation's Address in such a way that the UAM Foundation could become familiar with its content (date of appearance of a given message on the receiving server).
- Refunds of the fee paid by the Payer for participation in the Conference, reduced by the direct costs of a return transfer, shall be made to the Payer, to the account from which the Payer has paid the relevant fee, respectively by:
- Electronic Payment,
- traditional bank transfer.
§ 6.
[Cancellation of the Conference]
- In the event that the Conference is cancelled, the UAM Foundation will return the payment to the Payer in full the fee paid for participation of the Participant in the Conference.
- In the event that the date of the Conference is changed and the Participant does not wish to participate in the Conference in the new date, the UAM Foundation will return the Payment to the Payer in full the fee paid for participation of the Participant in the Conference.
- The refund of the fee paid by the Payer for participation in the Conference due to the cancellation of the Conference is determined by the provisions of § 5 para. 4 of the Regulations.
§ 7.
[Complaint procedure]
- Any complaints regarding:
- Registration – may be submitted by a Participant,
- fees for participation in the Conference – may be submitted by a Participant or a Payer.
- Complaints must be submitted within 14 (say: fourteen) days from the day of the event which is the basis of the complaint, but no later than 3 (say: three) days before the date of the Conference. The provision of § 5 para. 3 of the Regulations shall apply accordingly.
- Complaints should be submitted:
- in a written form - by sending them by registered mail to the address of the registered office of the UAM Foundation, or
- in an electronic firm - by sending them by e-mail to the UAM Foundation's Address.
- In the complaint application, regardless of its form, it is necessary to include the following information:
- Participant full name,
- Payer's denomination,
- the reason for submitting a complaint,
- detailed description of the complaint event.
- To be considered, complaints have to:
- be sent in an appropriate manner and in a timely manner, and
- contain all the required information referred to in para. 5 above.
- The UAM Foundation recognizes complaints promptly, however not later than within 30 (say: thirty) days from the date of receipt of a proper complaint notification.
- The settlement of the complaint application is sent to the Participant's Address.
§ 8.
[Personal data]
- The UAM Foundation is the administrator of the Personal Data.
- The UAM Foundation processes Personal Data:
- in connection with participation of the Participant in the Conference,
- on the basis of voluntary consent of the Participant, which is necessary to participate in the Conference,
- in accordance with applicable law.
- Individual Participants have right to inspect and correct their Personal Data.
- In the event that the payment for participation in the Conference takes place via Electronic Payment, personal data are processed by PayU, according to the rules set by PayU.
§ 9.
[Procedural provisions]
- All legal relations to which the Regulations apply are subject to Polish law, with the reservation, however, that the choice of foreign law for the consumer who is their party does not deprive such person of protection resulting from the mandatory provisions of law in the country of his permanent place of residence.
- The Regulations are available on the Website.
- The UAM Foundation is entitled to amend the Regulations, but any amendments to the Regulations come into force upon publication on the Website of the consolidated text of the Regulations taking into account the changes.